Hello World!
Baby Love Bugs Disinfect-able Baby Swing Covers are made of Health Care Vinyl for Exceptional Infection Control. The Vinyl can be disinfected with a sodium hypochlorite (bleach) solution, diluted 1:10 with water, or other related disinfectants. All strapping on the harness/seatbelt systems are made of TPU Vinyl with an antimicrobial coating.
Because we use disinfect-able vinyl fabric and our vinyl straps have an antimicrobial/antifungal coating, they are perfect for use in a strict infection control situation, providing ease and simplicity of disinfection between uses.
PURCHASE ORDERSĀ are accepted on a 30 NET basis only
Please feel free to call or text us at 505-508-9184 or email us at: babylovebugsllc@gmail.com
We are happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have.